Mini-Workshop: Trending Aspects in Group Cohomology
2-3 July 2024, Lincoln, UK

List of Registered Participants

  1. Adam Lear (University of Lincoln), England
  2. Alexandra Embleton (Royal Holloway, University of London), England
  3. Ana Isakovic (University of Cambridge), England
  4. Anja Mayer (University of Manchester), England
  5. Brita Nucinkis (Royal Holloway, University of London), England
  6. Dawid Kielak (University of Oxford), England
  7. Evgeny Khukhro (University of Lincoln), England
  8. Ewan Dalgliesh (University of Lincoln), England
  9. Gabriel Corrigan (University of Glasgow), Scottland
  10. Ged Corob Cook (University of Lincoln), England
  11. Ilaria Castellano (Bielefeld University), Germany
  12. Julian Wykowski (University of Cambridge), England
  13. Lawk Mineh (University of Southampton), England
  14. Nathan Heather (University of Lincoln), England
  15. Peter Kropholler (University of Southampton), England
  16. Raquel Murat García (WWU Münster), Germany
  17. Simon Smith (University of Lincoln), England
  18. Sofiya Yatsyna (Royal Holloway, University of London), England
  19. Will Cohen (University of Cambridge), England
  20. Yuri Santos Rego (University of Lincoln), England


LMS HIMR EPSRC MathsPhysicsLincoln

*Disclaimer about data protection: The registration form is produced using an application from a private company under contract with the University of Lincoln. In particular, the form is confidential and encrypted, and any information submitted is hosted only within servers of the University of Lincoln (not by external companies or institutions) and used solely by the organisers, and only for the purposes of registration and logistics for the workshop.

last modified: 11.06.2024 (... ...).