Mini-Workshop: Trending Aspects in Group Cohomology
2-3 July 2024, Lincoln, UK


Cohomological methods are of paramount importance in group theory. Besides providing powerful invariants for investigating groups, group cohomology as a theory encompasses many areas by the very nature of the objects it is concerned with.

This is a two-day workshop about current developments in the cohomology of groups, taking place 2-3 July 2024 at the University of Lincoln, UK.

The meeting is supported and co-funded by the London Mathematical Society within Scheme 9 "Celebrating new appointments" — on the occasion of the organiser's recent appointment at the University of Lincoln — and by the UKRI/EPSRC's Additional Funding Programme for Mathematical Sciences through the Heilbronn Institute for Mathematical Research.


Ilaria Castellano (Bielefeld) Ged Corob Cook (Lincoln)
Dawid Kielak (Oxford) Gabriel Corrigan (Glasgow)
Brita Nucinkis (London) Alexandra Embleton (London)
Peter Kropholler (Southampton) Anja Meyer (Manchester)
Julian Wykowski (Cambridge)


The workshop starts on Tuesday (2 July) afternoon, around 13:30 past lunch time, and ends around 12:45 on Wednesday (3 July), allowing for time to travel.

A conference dinner will take place on Tuesday (2 July) evening. Abstracts and full schedule can be found here.


All talks and the coffee break will take place in room INB 1103 in the Isaac Newton Building. Further directions can be found here.

Registration, participants, and financial support

Registration is now closed.
A list of participants can be found here.
(If you have any queries or would like to express interest in participating, feel free to contact the organiser.)

Contact the organiser

Yuri Santos Rego
Charlotte Scott Research Centre for Algebra
School of Mathematics and Physics
University of Lincoln
Isaac Newton Building, Brayford Pool
Lincoln, LN6 7TS
United Kingdom

E-Mail: ysantosrego [**at**] lincoln [**dot**] ac [**dot**] uk


LMS HIMR EPSRC MathsPhysicsLincoln

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©Yuri Santos Rego
last modified: 11.06.2024 (... ...).