
I am a maranhense mathematician from Upaon-Açu, an island in northeastern Brazil. Currently, I am a Lecturer1 at the University of Lincoln, where I am affiliated to the Charlotte Scott Research Centre for Algebra.

I am also a member of the London Mathematical Society and currently serve in the Editorial Board of the Newsletter of the LMS. If you would like to contribute with a “book” review2 for the Newsletter, feel free to drop me a line!

Past journey

Prior to joining the School of Mathematics and Physics here in Lincoln, I was a wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter in the group of Petra Schwer at the Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, an associated fellow of the GRK2297 “Mathematical Complexity Reduction” (MathCoRe), and a researcher in the SPP2026 “Geometry at Infinity”.

I got my PhD from the Universität Bielefeld, advised by Kai-Uwe Bux. Before that I got my Master’s degree from the Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp) supervised by Dessislava Kochloukova, and my Bachelor’s degree from the Universidade de Brasília (UnB). In Brasília I was also a member of the groups PETMat-UnB and Theory of Computation under the guidance of Mauro Rabelo and Maurício Ayala-Rincón, respectively.

  1. 🇬🇧 Lecturer ≈ 🇩🇪 unbefristete Juniorprofessur mit strukturiertem Karriereaufstieg auf Professur ≈ 🇧🇷 professor adjunto ≈ 🇧🇪 docent/premier assistant ≈ 🇺🇸 assistant professor (pre-tenure). 

  2. Here “book” is quite flexible and can mean: popular or scientific books about mathematics, teaching maths, history of mathematics, and/or mathematicians; academic maths books (textbooks, lecture notes published in book format, research books, books about maths didactics…); but also exhibitions and films about mathematics!